What Your Teenager Wants to Say
Teenagers probably have the hardest time expressing themselves to their parents. They are on the brink of adulthood, yet their minds are still developing. They have such big feelings, and it can be so hard for teenagers to verbalize them and express them out loud. This causes arguments, mood swings, poor academic performance, anxiety, and depression.
This part of your child’s life is tumultuous and bursting with brand-new emotions and experiences. If you’re struggling to connect to them and give them the support they need, consider this lovely piece from Gretchen Smeltzer. She accurately conveys what your teenager is going through. Think of these words when you feel frustrated and unable to help your teen:
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What can you do to help?
Our therapists help teens process those emotions, so they have a safer understanding of the world and how they perceive that world. You can help them by introducing them to one of our therapists and giving them the support and love for their healing journey.