Sober October

The idea of sober October originally started out as a fundraiser to raise money for cancer. I believe a lot of us are up for a challenge if it's for a good cause, but are caught off guard when it is harder than it seems to just stop. There are so many aspects of our life that are centered around drinking, and sometimes it can be out of habit, routine, or environment.

Think about your work day or your work environment:

  • Is it stressful?

  • Overwhelming?

  • Deadlines or end of quarter approaching?

  • Long hours?

  • Social anxiety (shout out to my introverted peeps out there)?

As a society, I feel like the “go to” answer for de-stressing from a tough day is “happy hour.” I would hate to think that our lives are dwindling down to one hour of happiness that only arrives for a brief time after a brutal day. However, it starts out as a positive reward for overcoming something challenging.

What if we took a moment and thought about other ways that we could “reward” ourselves after a tough day?

  • A bubble bath

  • A walk with a friend or a pet

  • An intense workout

  • Doing something fun/lighthearted

It seems like a lot of times we go without a substance just to prove a point that we don’t need it or that we don’t have to have it all the time. I encourage everyone to think about why it feels difficult to give something up even for just a month. Dig a little deeper. What purpose does it serve you? What benefits do you gain from it?

I propose the idea of giving up something for a month and thinking of yourself and your well-being as the good cause that you can focus on. Ask yourself, “How could this benefit me?”

  • Saving money

  • Improved physical and mental health

  • Better sleep

  • More energy

Sometimes the benefits don’t outweigh the immediate relief we feel. Don’t get too discouraged and give up. Try to have a good intention before starting. Surround yourself with others who support you or are willing to do the same. If you feel like maybe you need to talk to a professional about taking a deeper look into why it seems harder for you than others, that’s okay. As human beings, we weren’t made to figure this stuff out on our own, and oftentimes the isolation and loneliness can exacerbate the problem.

If you’re having a difficult time with taking a break from a substance and want to explore the underlying reasons, reach out to schedule a call. We would love to meet you and give you the support and safe space you need.


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